Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 1 - Max:30

I've decided to start a sort of blog about my fitness/nutritional journey while I knock out my second program... Insanity Max:30. So it began...

Today I decided to knock out the workout after I dropped Kid 3 at preschool and only had Kid 4 to contend with. HOLY HELL... that sucked way worse than it did when I sat on the couch and watched my husband teach it... SHEESH! Maxed out at 9:30 which was ok... but I mostly stopped to pee... 4 kids were not kind to me... so there you have it. MAXED OUT to pee! I suck. I kept gonig and pushed, but I felt defeated because I stopped earlier than planned. BLAH! Workout 1 done and I was on a roll!!! SHAKEOLOGY recover snack... AND...

BUT my day got derailed early on. Hubby left Kid 1's lacrosse equipment in the trunk of the car, and then drove said car to the airport and parked it. SO... I dropped Kid 3 off at preschool, knocked out my workout, measurements, pics, and stats... and even showered. YES!

So after my shower, I was ready to get some things crossed off of my to-do list... and then the preschool director calls... Kid 3 had an accident and I needed to go get him because there were no clothes in his bag (I KNEW we should have replenished them when we had to use them on an outing one day... BUT... yeah, I forgot). UGH! SO... silver lining... we got to leave for the airport early.

I ran out the door and forgot to pack lunches (he gets done right before lunch time so hes always hungry). NO PROBLEMO! Stopped at Get Go instead of McDonalds, and snatched up some fruit, yogurt, a wrap and veggies and hummus for me and a turkey/cheese lunchable for Kid 4. #winning

Made it to he airport and back... no issues or derailments... until I got home and got the mail. Hubby's insurance switched in January... and apparently our dental did also. Again... this would not be an issue... if Kid 1-3 didn't have dentist appointments TOMORROW! Got it taken care of... and it seems their dentist is covered (we'll see when the bill comes), but could have done without that stress.

END OF DRAMA... Kid 1 to lacrosse, with 2-4 in tow, run home and THINK about crossing something off the to-do list... but its time to pick Kid 1 up again. Got some Beachbody work done and out the door we went... home to shower... Kids 1, 2, 4 in bed and Kid 3 asleep on the couch beside me... drink in hand... and READY for day 2!

Cautiously optimistic... 3 Day Refresh starts tomorrow... so the hardest part might be 3 days sans VODKA!  Say a prayer... if it goes like today... no promises.

Monday, April 13, 2015


SPRING is HEREEEEKKKKK! Its no secret with this fantastic weather that summer is gonna be upon us SOON! So here is your official INVITATION to my SPRING CLEANING Accountability Group!

We'll do it together... you and me! (And a few other like-minded friends that will be on their own journeys to prepare for summer!) "PRESEASON" starts April 20... you'll have one week to prepare and get ready for the actual start date of April 27! I'll be sharing some shopping tips, recipes and helping you figure out your program.  The LAST day to commit is April 20, to allow you time to receive your 'stuff' in the mail.

When you think of "SUMMER"... we should be thinking of packing up all the winter clothes and dawning those tanks/sundresses, kicking off the boots and sliding into flipflops, and getting ready to hit the pools/beach feeling comfortable in our (maybe new) swimsuit!  Not the case for you... just yet?

If your answer was NO... I want YOU!  And the good news is... we STILL HAVE TIME! You take the time in the spring to "SPRING CLEAN" your house, yard... heck maybe even your cars... but this year... lets SPRING CLEAN your nutritional/fitness plan!

The deal:

You're committing to try Shakeology daily, as a meal or snack replacement. Say WHAT!? YES... I am requiring the commitment. This isn't your run of the mill protein shake.  Its jam packed with rich and dense super foods and nutrients that keep you full, helps fight cravings and is known for TONS of other health benefits... weight loss is only the tip of the iceberg. We have lots of flavors to pick from so I'm sure we'll find the right one for you. This IS the "HEALTHIEST MEAL OF THE DAY", and I promise you'll love it. Give me the 30 days of the group, commit to eating right (we'll help you through), getting your exercise and drinking your shake, and if you're not 'feeling it'... that's it! YOU decide if you want to continue!

In addition to your Shakeology, you'll also be completing a fitness program through Beachbody! There are some pretty awesome specials (monthly)... here are April's:
There are other options... these are just the ones on sale! I know these programs pretty well... PiYo is a favorite of mine and I'll be doing a hybrid workout plan with the 21 Day Fix EXTREME and PiYo, using the 21 Day Fix Extreme nutritional plan and enjoying my Shakeology DAILY!

So... jump on this opportunity! This will be the FIRST of MANY challenge groups to come... but WHY WAIT!? Fill out the form below... and lets get STARTED!!!