Tuesday, October 27, 2015

21 Days of THANKS

Truth is... I haven't been the best  with my fitness and nutrition. I let summer grab a hold of me and kinda got side tracked with all the yummy summery foods and workouts didn't all happen as planned. THEN fall stumbled into my life and it got worse. That brings comfort food, sweatshirts and Halloween candy. Boo.

Which brings me to my point. Things need to change... and in a hurry. Maybe you're in a similar situation. Not committing to your workout plan as you had originally said you would? Over eating some of the comfort foods... because... well they make you feel good (temporarily)? What ever it may be... I'm here to help!!!

21 Days of THANKS will take us from Nov 5th, right up to the day before Thanksgiving. So we'll be able to go into the feast of Thanksgiving Day, guilt free and without hesitation. Its no secret that people gain weight between Halloween and New Years... but since we know that... why do we allow it to continue? NOT THIS YEAR!

Here are some programs that this program will be tailored towards:
21 Day Fix (with Shakeology)
21 Day Fix Extreme (with Shakeology)

You can also look into a "Kickstart" of these programs, which includes a 3 Day Refresh kit, in addition to the program and Shakeology. Links for those are here:
21 Day Fix Kickstart
21 Day Fix Extreme Kickstart

Do you have to do those programs for this particular challenge? Absolutely NOT! If you already have a program, you can do that... and if you're looking for something new... lets chat so we can get you connected with the program that suits you best. I highly recommend the two above for anyone new to these challenges because it incorporates nutrition and fitness in one program. I had amazing results on the 21 Day Fix Extreme... and look forward to doing it again!

I'd love to personally coach you through these 21 Days... so lets get that all set up!
Please fill out this form so I know you're interested and committed to being a part of the group!

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

My salsa recipe

Before I post the exact recipe, you have to keep in mind that everything varies depending on the sizes of the tomatoes, peppers, etc.  My goal was to get it to taste like one of our local restaurants, Rey Azteca. I do think I nailed it, however as the salsa sits it gets a little bit spicier, especially after canning. So keeping that in mind, you may want to add a little bit less pepper if you are canning, or if you're OK with it being a little spicy, go for it. 

Here's what you need:

15 tomatoes (approx)
2 jalapeƱo peppers, seeded/deveined
3 small onion, or about 1 1/2 medium
3 cloves of garlic
3 "stems" of cilantro, remove the stems
2 tsp salt
2 tap pepper
1/4 cup of lemon juice

Use a food grinder or food processor and remove the stems and most of the skins from the tomatoes. You can probably use the boiling method to take the skins off the tomatoes. (Drop the tomatoes in boiling water for three minutes, remove them and put in cool water, and the skins peel right off, remove the stems). I have a new food grinder, so I was super excited to use that, using the salsa filter.

After removing the seeds and veins from the peppers, finely chop them. If you want it spicier, leave the veins and seeds in the peppers and chop them that way.

After removing the skins from the onions, chopped them the same way as the peppers. If you like a chunkier salsa, you don't have to chop them quite as much, but we wanted to make it as smooth as possible.

If you have a garlic press, you can press the garlic, but mine is missing so I actually just peeled and chopped garlic also. 

Remove the stems, and cut up the cilantro. I used a pair of kitchen shears and it worked perfect, just keep chopping to make it fine. 

Mix the peppers, onions, and garlic with the tomatoes. Add in your salt and pepper and cilantro. The last step would be adding the lemon juice, to help preserve it longer. Mix it all together. 

Basically at this point your salsa is ready to go. For me, I filled 2 pint jars and for jelly size jars. You could probably put it in a container and stored in the refrigerator, or maybe even bag it and freeze if you don't want to can. If you do decide to can it, for the salsa into the jars, wipe the top and seal with a two-piece lid. Process in a water bath for 15 minutes. Remove and let cool, any jars that do not seal, stick in the refrigerator to use immediately.

Voila!  Give it a go and let me know how it turns out! If you are new to canning and have any questions, let me know. I am by no means a professional, but happy to help where I can (lol... Perhaps pun intended)! 

~Dawn, Fit Mama Four Life

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day ? - MAX:30

Say WHAT!? Yeah... oops. Sick kids. Hubby travels. Spring activities. Gardening. Camping. Sitting on the couch... I let it all get in my way. BUT I'm not out. I'm getting back on track. I picked up yesterday with what I should have done a week ago (mind you, I felt like I was going to DIE... but I didn't), so I'm one week behind. You know what... IT HAPPENS! I need to make sure I don't EVER take a whole week off again... that sucked!

Don't keep letting little excuses and setbacks get in your way. You have what it takes to be healthier/fitter/successful! I'd love some MAX:30 company if you think you might want to give it a try. Purchase the Challenge Pack (with the super awesome Shakeology) by the end of the month and SAVE over $95!!!
What are YOU going to do to get/stay in shape this summer? We all know what happens in the gyms... crickets! Let me know what you're up to and lets work together!

Mark your calendars... my next accountability group starts June 15... 30 days of accountability! WIN!

Monday, May 4, 2015



Its no secret with these 80 degree temps that we're gonna have to get serious here. My current accountability group is doing fan-tab-ulous and I can't wait to see where we all end up... WAY closer to our goals, I'm sure!

To help those of us that want to KEEP GOING... I am going to run my next challenge/accountability group right into this one. MAY 25th... WRITE IT ON YOUR CALENDAR!

You in? The way I see it... WHAT do you have to LOSE!? Besides maybe a few pounds and some emotional baggage you've been holding on to for years. Most people stop going to the gym in the spring because its so nice out and you're BUSY! LOTS of the programs have 30 min workouts. Let me help you find what's right for you!

I'll be running this group along side another coach or two... so you'll get lots of good stuff. Fill out the form below and I'll be in touch!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 5 - Max:30

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh! I feel so much better!

No, my week didn't get better... probably worse from the last blog post.Things just were NOT going right this week. But you know what!? That's a part of LIFE! Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I neither won or lost this week, but actually felt like I was ceasing to exist. Kids 1 and 2 were ok, most of the week. Minus their crazy ridiculous attitudes and smart mouths, they were good. Kid 3 decided that pooping his pants was a new hobby and did it as often as possible (we are thinking maybe a lactose issue or something like that), and at the MOST inconvenient times. The vaccum caught on fire... fun times. Lacrosse games in the rain with 4 kids. Kid 3 also had a bad dentist appointment where we learned he had cavities that needed to be filled... at 3 1/2. They were bad ones that even I could see on the x-ray and I feel horrible that he has to go through this. Kid 4 is just nuts... developing her little personality... always on the go and always trying to run 'ou-sigh' (outside). Cute and adorable until shes standing on the front porch 'talking' to the neighbor while you're in the bathroom wiping Kid 3's behind. Gonna have to lock this one up.
(see what I mean)

So why do I feel better? Its Friday! I'm going to Girl Scout Camp with Kid 2 for the weekend and I JUST got done with the 3 Day Refresh! My results this time were unbelievable! I can't wait to share them with you... soon.

I was able to get all of my Max:30 workouts in, although I was really trying not to. I felt pretty good the whole way thorough. I wouldn't say I was even hungry at all. I got in my head a few times, but with help from a friend of mine... I stayed the course. I WASN'T wasting the money! Lol.

So Max:30... this is ROUGH! I know... anyone can do it with modification... but I may reconsider my words for that! Lol... If I'm having a hard time, I can't imagine what its like for someone just getting started in exercising! Cardio Challenge on Monday was pretty tough and left me feeling pretty defeated. I REALLY like Tabata Power on Tuesday/Thursday... except for the "death by tricep pushup" section. SHEESH! But I suppose I need them. Do them till you love them, right? Wednesday was Sweat Intervals... it was... SWEATY for sure! I'm sore. I'm tired. But its FRIDAY... so Friday Fight 1 will happen today... my schedule says so. Its RIGHT THERE... in my ERIN CONDREN Planner... SEE:

I had all of my challengers make time for their workouts... put them on the calendar. I did just the same thing. Granted, I decided NOT to get out of bed early on Tuesday/Thursday, but I needed the sleep, so I just got the workout in after I got the kids on the bus. While Kid 3 was playing and cheering me on.... er... and.... pooping his pants. My workouts felt better as the week went on... which chocked the heck out of me with the 3 Day Refresh... my weakness was in my head and as soon as I got rid of that, I rocked it!

ENOUGH stalling... off to do Friday Fight 1!!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 1 - Max:30

I've decided to start a sort of blog about my fitness/nutritional journey while I knock out my second program... Insanity Max:30. So it began...

Today I decided to knock out the workout after I dropped Kid 3 at preschool and only had Kid 4 to contend with. HOLY HELL... that sucked way worse than it did when I sat on the couch and watched my husband teach it... SHEESH! Maxed out at 9:30 which was ok... but I mostly stopped to pee... 4 kids were not kind to me... so there you have it. MAXED OUT to pee! I suck. I kept gonig and pushed, but I felt defeated because I stopped earlier than planned. BLAH! Workout 1 done and I was on a roll!!! SHAKEOLOGY recover snack... AND...

BUT my day got derailed early on. Hubby left Kid 1's lacrosse equipment in the trunk of the car, and then drove said car to the airport and parked it. SO... I dropped Kid 3 off at preschool, knocked out my workout, measurements, pics, and stats... and even showered. YES!

So after my shower, I was ready to get some things crossed off of my to-do list... and then the preschool director calls... Kid 3 had an accident and I needed to go get him because there were no clothes in his bag (I KNEW we should have replenished them when we had to use them on an outing one day... BUT... yeah, I forgot). UGH! SO... silver lining... we got to leave for the airport early.

I ran out the door and forgot to pack lunches (he gets done right before lunch time so hes always hungry). NO PROBLEMO! Stopped at Get Go instead of McDonalds, and snatched up some fruit, yogurt, a wrap and veggies and hummus for me and a turkey/cheese lunchable for Kid 4. #winning

Made it to he airport and back... no issues or derailments... until I got home and got the mail. Hubby's insurance switched in January... and apparently our dental did also. Again... this would not be an issue... if Kid 1-3 didn't have dentist appointments TOMORROW! Got it taken care of... and it seems their dentist is covered (we'll see when the bill comes), but could have done without that stress.

END OF DRAMA... Kid 1 to lacrosse, with 2-4 in tow, run home and THINK about crossing something off the to-do list... but its time to pick Kid 1 up again. Got some Beachbody work done and out the door we went... home to shower... Kids 1, 2, 4 in bed and Kid 3 asleep on the couch beside me... drink in hand... and READY for day 2!

Cautiously optimistic... 3 Day Refresh starts tomorrow... so the hardest part might be 3 days sans VODKA!  Say a prayer... if it goes like today... no promises.

Monday, April 13, 2015


SPRING is HEREEEEKKKKK! Its no secret with this fantastic weather that summer is gonna be upon us SOON! So here is your official INVITATION to my SPRING CLEANING Accountability Group!

We'll do it together... you and me! (And a few other like-minded friends that will be on their own journeys to prepare for summer!) "PRESEASON" starts April 20... you'll have one week to prepare and get ready for the actual start date of April 27! I'll be sharing some shopping tips, recipes and helping you figure out your program.  The LAST day to commit is April 20, to allow you time to receive your 'stuff' in the mail.

When you think of "SUMMER"... we should be thinking of packing up all the winter clothes and dawning those tanks/sundresses, kicking off the boots and sliding into flipflops, and getting ready to hit the pools/beach feeling comfortable in our (maybe new) swimsuit!  Not the case for you... just yet?

If your answer was NO... I want YOU!  And the good news is... we STILL HAVE TIME! You take the time in the spring to "SPRING CLEAN" your house, yard... heck maybe even your cars... but this year... lets SPRING CLEAN your nutritional/fitness plan!

The deal:

You're committing to try Shakeology daily, as a meal or snack replacement. Say WHAT!? YES... I am requiring the commitment. This isn't your run of the mill protein shake.  Its jam packed with rich and dense super foods and nutrients that keep you full, helps fight cravings and is known for TONS of other health benefits... weight loss is only the tip of the iceberg. We have lots of flavors to pick from so I'm sure we'll find the right one for you. This IS the "HEALTHIEST MEAL OF THE DAY", and I promise you'll love it. Give me the 30 days of the group, commit to eating right (we'll help you through), getting your exercise and drinking your shake, and if you're not 'feeling it'... that's it! YOU decide if you want to continue!

In addition to your Shakeology, you'll also be completing a fitness program through Beachbody! There are some pretty awesome specials (monthly)... here are April's:
There are other options... these are just the ones on sale! I know these programs pretty well... PiYo is a favorite of mine and I'll be doing a hybrid workout plan with the 21 Day Fix EXTREME and PiYo, using the 21 Day Fix Extreme nutritional plan and enjoying my Shakeology DAILY!

So... jump on this opportunity! This will be the FIRST of MANY challenge groups to come... but WHY WAIT!? Fill out the form below... and lets get STARTED!!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

21 Day Fix EXTREME Results and Reviews

Its a long time overdue and a lot of the thoughts I had might have since left me with all the chaos going on... but its time for a review!

In February, I purchased and completed the 21 Day Fix EXTREME!  This is a big deal for me... its the first program that I did the whole thing. So here's my (scattered) thoughts:
  • Nutritional plan is pretty KICK ASS! I mean, I was skeptical because I can't stick with anything, but after just a couple of days, it became routine. I even got hubster on board.We were fighting over those colorful little fun containers!
  • I was eating... a lot. Foods that I liked a lot, with some that weren't my favorites, but I could always pick and choose and I never got tired of it!
  • The workouts are some of my favorites that I have done from Beachbody. Again, I was skeptical because I didn't love the 21 Day Fix workouts (with the exception of the Dirty 30)... but I loved the weights and the challenges in the EXTREME. It was a perfect compliment to my fitness routine.
  • I felt GOOD... really good. Never hungry, tired, fatigued... I was nourished and although sore through some of the workouts, it was a good feeling... and I found myself craving it.
  • With the workouts being only 30 minutes, it was totally do-able. Even with the kids activities, sometimes the little ones running around, I could always get it in... only 30 minutes.
The results? Well first I must say... it wasn't perfect. We had funeral luncheons, parties and other challenges as far as nutrition and I was more than happy to skip a few of the workouts on my busy studio days. That being said, I'm THRILLED with my results.

Weight: -5lbs
Inches: (FAIL... forgot to take the before)
Picture proof: (angles are off because hubby was away when it was time for the 'afters')
SO... there you have it... tightened and toned... which was my goal. And that was only 21 DAYS! I am going to do another round... who's IN!? Let me know ASAP, so I can save you a spot in my group!

Friday, March 20, 2015

The end of a chapter...

So I completely believe that God helps us through life, opening and closing doors as we pass through certain stages or phases in this book of life.  Yesterday, I brought to the attention of my "Fit Fam" (or my Studio 356 fitness friends and family) the close of the current chapter in my life and in theirs. I am closing Studio 356 as of April 19, 2015. HERE is the email I sent out for those who would like to see it. I meant it when I said that this decision was not easy and it is very sad and surprising for me, as much as it is for you.

I did want to answer some questions that have already been asked, so before I go any further, lets do that:

Was it because of money/financial reasons?
Absolutely NOT. For those of you who know me, you know its never been about the money.  Heck, I don't even PAY myself!  I pay my bills and my instructors, but I personally have never taken a single paycheck. When we showed a profit, I bought new equipment for boot camp, or more weights, or the cubbys... things like that. I also had to pay off the bills from the giant sign on the building as well as the flooring. To be honest, yes we had months that were hard... summers and into fall... but we always broke even and that's all I asked for. I didn't do what I did for personal gain, other than the satisfaction of helping people improve their lives through group fitness and personal encouragement.

Ugh... (::insert eyeroll::) My instructor is closing her studio just so she can spend time with her family!?
Well... that's not entirely true. What I put in the email and what I have been announcing at class is just the tip of the iceberg. I was trying to be the professional and handle the pressure and 'blame'. So here it is: My landlord and I went under an agreement in the fall that benefited both of us.  Originally, we were going to close in the fall when our lease expired because I was afraid of locking myself into another long term agreement... mostly because of how hard things are to make ends meet in the summers and to handle family life when my husband travels. When he came to me and asked if I'd be interested in renting month to month, I agreed, because I could back out whenever I needed to (of course I never WANTed to). But along with that, he could also find a more solid tenant... one that would bring him more financial gain. Ultimately, I have a ton of respect for him but he's a business man and I totally understood the situation when I agreed.

He came to me a while back and said that he might have a tenant and we just kind of waited until things were more solid. That happened recently. SO... regardless of any decision I have made in the last few weeks... ultimately, we were going to have to vacate the studio space this summer for his new tenant. So... we could have stuck it out until June, however, our records show that attendance drops drastically in May/June, so along with prolonging the inevitable, I'd also be struggling to pay a couple months rent when times got toughest. It made sense to me both financially and personally to go out on a high note. My husband was recently mandated to travel more, the kids activities are kicking in to high gear for the spring, the weather will break and people will start getting outside instead of coming to classes... and the most recent months have really drawn my attention to just how much family means to me and how much they need me to be home. I mean, just recently, a man that I only knew for 3 1/2 hour was shot and killed (you've heard the story)... but all I can say about this man is how much he loved his family and was there for them.  Once we got talking, all he talked about was his wife and kids, camping, traveling, sports, watching them do fun and amazing things. It got me thinking... if something happened to me today... I don't think the same thing could be said for me.  And that's just not how I want to live my life. Until recently, I have been living my life for the studio... for my fit fam. And while I do and always will care deeply for all of you, my priorities have some shifting to do. (Enough of this... I have tears in my eyes and it makes it hard to type and answer the rest)

Are you planning to open a new place?
At this point, no I am not. The main reason I am closing the studio and not reopening a new one is for my family.  My husband travels several times every month and with 4 kids, their activities, family life... its been quite difficult... something that no one can truly understand until you're in the situation. BUT don't think I didn't at least look into it. Space in Sarver is either RIDICULOUSLY overpriced or extremely run down and requires too much work/money. So, despite my knowing this was a bad decision to try to reopen... I did look into it. Lol.

Are you going to teach somewhere?
I do not have an exact answer for this question. The answer I want to give is YES, but I have not lined anything up as of yet. I need one chapter to end before I start a new one. If I do teach, I need to make sure its not putting us right back in the situation we are in now... but I also can not imaging my life without group fitness... and to be honest... unless I'm leading the class (or taking one from my instructors), I'm just not all that interested... good Lord, I swear I'm not as cocky as that sounded... I just love what I do.  I take pride in my teaching abilities and have developed a passion for helping people beyond my comprehension. I also believe that Studio 356 has the area's BEST instructors, so its hard to find a new "fit". Aqua Zumba is up in the air as far as I know... I haven't even thought about contacting the pool yet... but I'll let you know when I know!

I feel lost, what should I do? Where should I go?
Well, the best way I can say this is: You found us, right? You can do it again!!! This isn't 'goodbye', 'peace out', 'don't let the door hitcha...'. Lol... we wouldn't do that. We already know Erin is working on finding a new location for her Yoga classes. I don't personally know if Kelli has intentions of trying to teach elsewhere, but when she makes decisions, I'm sure she'll let us know. And you JUST heard me say that there is a good chance I might try to find something. BUT all that aside... get out there and try classes out. Many gyms will let you try classes for free. If you are a Highmark customer, they have an amazing fitness program... check it out... its something like $25 per month and you can go to several local places!!!  My dumb Aetna doesn't offer this or I'd absolutely take advantage of it! We would be happy to give our recommendations, suggestions and general thoughts... we do know a lot of local instructors.

I don't care what you said about helping us find a new place... I don't want to go there!
Well, if you aren't going to go elsewhere... then PLEASE consider joining my Beachbody group. We run monthly 'challenge groups' and are here for accountability, and you never have to leave your home! Contact me ASAP and we'll chat about it. We've had amazing successes and most recently I've been doing and loving the 21 Day Fix Extreme! Lots of options, so DON'T quit fitness and lose the progress we've made thus far!

OK... so that's the questions I've been asked in the last 24 hours, since my email went out. I am pretty much an open book, so if you made it this far and you have other questions, comments or other... I'm here to answer, listen, learn and grow with you. JUST LET ME KNOW!

I have to go be a mom... and help my daughter's Girl Scout troop for their meeting... but this isn't the last you'll hear from me or about this. MWAH... I do love you all dearly, Studio 356 Family... and I couldn't be any more thankful for the support you have all given me, in the past 3 1/2 (or more) years, as well as with this huge decision!


Saturday, February 28, 2015


I got all caught up in my Instagram account that I am trying to learn how to use, and I neglected my blog. I will be back... I promise.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Recipe: Goat Cheese Portabello Mushrooms

Goat Cheese Portabello Mushrooms:
4 med-large portabello mushrooms
8 oz basalmic vinegarette
4 oz of goat cheese
3-4 tbsp pine nuts (chopped)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Place mushrooms bottom up in a baking dish. Pour basalmic vinegrette into the mushrooms, and some in the dish. Crumble and divide the goat cheese, about 1 oz on each.  Sprinkle chopped pine nut on top.
Bake uncovered for 30 minutes or until hot and bubbly.

4 servings (unless you're like me and eat 2)

This is an adaptation from the South Beach Diet recipe book, as the original recipe called for marinara sauce and a few other things, but I LOVE mushrooms sauteed in balsamic vinegarette.  

ESTIMATE serving/nutritional information, depending on the brand of dressing you use:

Nutrition Facts

User Entered Recipe
  4 Servings

Amount Per Serving
  Calories 214.4
  Total Fat 17.9 g
      Saturated Fat 4.4 g
      Polyunsaturated Fat 2.3 g
      Monounsaturated Fat 2.6 g
  Cholesterol 13.0 mg
  Sodium 114.5 mg
  Potassium 45.9 mg
  Total Carbohydrate 9.6 g
      Dietary Fiber 3.2 g
      Sugars 1.5 g
  Protein 9.1 g

  Vitamin A 5.9 %
  Vitamin B-12 0.9 %
  Vitamin B-6 3.8 %
  Vitamin C 2.1 %
  Vitamin D 100.0 %
  Vitamin E 1.8 %
  Calcium 8.1 %
  Copper 14.6 %
  Folate 1.4 %
  Iron 7.0 %
  Magnesium 5.2 %
  Manganese 29.8 %
  Niacin 2.0 %
  Pantothenic Acid     2.1 %
  Phosphorus     11.0 %
  Riboflavin 7.2 %
  Selenium 1.2 %
  Thiamin 2.9 %
  Zinc 4.5 %

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.