Thursday, May 28, 2015

Day ? - MAX:30

Say WHAT!? Yeah... oops. Sick kids. Hubby travels. Spring activities. Gardening. Camping. Sitting on the couch... I let it all get in my way. BUT I'm not out. I'm getting back on track. I picked up yesterday with what I should have done a week ago (mind you, I felt like I was going to DIE... but I didn't), so I'm one week behind. You know what... IT HAPPENS! I need to make sure I don't EVER take a whole week off again... that sucked!

Don't keep letting little excuses and setbacks get in your way. You have what it takes to be healthier/fitter/successful! I'd love some MAX:30 company if you think you might want to give it a try. Purchase the Challenge Pack (with the super awesome Shakeology) by the end of the month and SAVE over $95!!!
What are YOU going to do to get/stay in shape this summer? We all know what happens in the gyms... crickets! Let me know what you're up to and lets work together!

Mark your calendars... my next accountability group starts June 15... 30 days of accountability! WIN!

Monday, May 4, 2015



Its no secret with these 80 degree temps that we're gonna have to get serious here. My current accountability group is doing fan-tab-ulous and I can't wait to see where we all end up... WAY closer to our goals, I'm sure!

To help those of us that want to KEEP GOING... I am going to run my next challenge/accountability group right into this one. MAY 25th... WRITE IT ON YOUR CALENDAR!

You in? The way I see it... WHAT do you have to LOSE!? Besides maybe a few pounds and some emotional baggage you've been holding on to for years. Most people stop going to the gym in the spring because its so nice out and you're BUSY! LOTS of the programs have 30 min workouts. Let me help you find what's right for you!

I'll be running this group along side another coach or two... so you'll get lots of good stuff. Fill out the form below and I'll be in touch!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 5 - Max:30

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh! I feel so much better!

No, my week didn't get better... probably worse from the last blog post.Things just were NOT going right this week. But you know what!? That's a part of LIFE! Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I neither won or lost this week, but actually felt like I was ceasing to exist. Kids 1 and 2 were ok, most of the week. Minus their crazy ridiculous attitudes and smart mouths, they were good. Kid 3 decided that pooping his pants was a new hobby and did it as often as possible (we are thinking maybe a lactose issue or something like that), and at the MOST inconvenient times. The vaccum caught on fire... fun times. Lacrosse games in the rain with 4 kids. Kid 3 also had a bad dentist appointment where we learned he had cavities that needed to be filled... at 3 1/2. They were bad ones that even I could see on the x-ray and I feel horrible that he has to go through this. Kid 4 is just nuts... developing her little personality... always on the go and always trying to run 'ou-sigh' (outside). Cute and adorable until shes standing on the front porch 'talking' to the neighbor while you're in the bathroom wiping Kid 3's behind. Gonna have to lock this one up.
(see what I mean)

So why do I feel better? Its Friday! I'm going to Girl Scout Camp with Kid 2 for the weekend and I JUST got done with the 3 Day Refresh! My results this time were unbelievable! I can't wait to share them with you... soon.

I was able to get all of my Max:30 workouts in, although I was really trying not to. I felt pretty good the whole way thorough. I wouldn't say I was even hungry at all. I got in my head a few times, but with help from a friend of mine... I stayed the course. I WASN'T wasting the money! Lol.

So Max:30... this is ROUGH! I know... anyone can do it with modification... but I may reconsider my words for that! Lol... If I'm having a hard time, I can't imagine what its like for someone just getting started in exercising! Cardio Challenge on Monday was pretty tough and left me feeling pretty defeated. I REALLY like Tabata Power on Tuesday/Thursday... except for the "death by tricep pushup" section. SHEESH! But I suppose I need them. Do them till you love them, right? Wednesday was Sweat Intervals... it was... SWEATY for sure! I'm sore. I'm tired. But its FRIDAY... so Friday Fight 1 will happen today... my schedule says so. Its RIGHT THERE... in my ERIN CONDREN Planner... SEE:

I had all of my challengers make time for their workouts... put them on the calendar. I did just the same thing. Granted, I decided NOT to get out of bed early on Tuesday/Thursday, but I needed the sleep, so I just got the workout in after I got the kids on the bus. While Kid 3 was playing and cheering me on.... er... and.... pooping his pants. My workouts felt better as the week went on... which chocked the heck out of me with the 3 Day Refresh... my weakness was in my head and as soon as I got rid of that, I rocked it!

ENOUGH stalling... off to do Friday Fight 1!!!